We are excited to announce our upcoming event, TechFest 23, a comprehensive celebration of technology and innovation. TechFest 23 will feature three exciting competitions: Koderz Kombat, a programming competition; CTF (Capture The Flag)*, a cybersecurity challenge; and *ENIGMA, focusing on encryption scheme designing and breaking.

In addition to these thrilling competitions, TechFest will offer a diverse range of activities. Attendees can participate in workshops, seminars, hands-on training sessions, and awareness programs covering a spectrum of topics, including cybersecurity, programming, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and gaming.
Furthermore, TechFest provides a platform for students to showcase their creativity and expertise through final year project pitch presentations. During these sessions, students will have the opportunity to pitch their innovative project ideas to industry professionals
TechFest is scheduled to commence on November 30 and will continue until December 20.
Event Timeline

Koderz Kombat Fall’23 Round - 1
TechFest’23 kicked off with Round 1 of Koderz Kombat Fall’23. It is a competitive programming competition organized by the Koderz Club of CS&IT Department.

Session on Ethical Hacking
A session on Ethical Hacking was arranged by Apprise Systems as a part of TechFest’23. It was conducted by Mr. Talha Saeed (Senior Penetration Tester), Mr. Mr. Hasnain Abbasi (Senior Penetration Tester), and Mr. Muhammad Basit (Business Analyst).

Workshop on Data Engineering Mastery
Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors' Club NEDUET Karachi, in collabration with Koderz Club and CyberSents, sponsored by Trend Micro, arranged a workshop of TechFest'23 on Data Engineering Mastery by Nadir Hussain who is the Regional Lead EMEA, Founder and Director of MLSA, and a student of CS&IT department (Batch 2020).

Workshop on PowerBI
Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors' Club NEDUET Karachi, in collabration with Koderz Club and CyberSents, sponsored by Trend Micro, arranged a workshop of TechFest'23 on PowerBI by Mehwish Alam who is a Microsoft Ambassador, Data Scientist, and a student of CS&IT department (Batch 2020). The workshop gave hands-on training on data modeling, statistical analysis and machine learning. It also gives the exposure to the students about the software Microsoft PowerBI.

Workshop on Capture the Flag (CTF)
A workshop on Capture the Flag (CTF) was arranged by Trend Micro as a part of TechFest’23. It was conducted by Mr. Umair Sheikh (Country Head, Trend Micro), Mr. Azwer Rehan (Field Service Engineer), and Mr. Khizer.

Session on Exploring the World of Data Science
Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors' Club NEDUET Karachi, in collaboration with Koderz Club and CyberSents , sponsored by Trend Micro, presented a session on "Exploring the World of Data Science" as part of TechFest'23. The esteemed guest for this event was Faisal Amin, a Data Analyst and the CEO of Data World. The session provided a hands-on explanation of exploring the field of data science and its practical applications. It successfully clarified various concepts and introduced new terminologies to many students, enabling them to gain valuable insights into this dynamic field.

Session on the Wonders of Data Science
Mr. Noor Uddin Qureshi, Anti-Fraud Manager at Daraz, was invited to present insights on "The Wonders of Data Science" at TechFest’23 at NEDUET.

FYDP Idea Pitching
A FYDP Idea Pitching event was organized for the Final Year students as a part of TechFest’23. Judges from Systems Limited, Gaditek, OctDaily, JinTechnologies, Apprise Systems, and Cybertron gave their valuable feedback on this year’s FYDP ideas.

Session on Game Development
A session on Game Development was organized in collaboration with Meta Frolic Labs as part of TechFest’23. As the department has launched a new specialization of Gaming and Animation, this was a fruitful event for all the students of the department. Mr. Aqib Ahmed Chaudry, HoD (Gamification), Mr. M. Talha Yousaf (Art Director), and Mr. Abdul Rafay Daniyal (Game Developer) conducted this session.

Session on IT Audit
A session on IT Audit was organized in collaboration with Famco Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. Mr. Awais Iftikhar (Assistant Manager) conducted this session and briefed the students about the role and responsibilities of an IT auditor, the requirements, and career opportunities.

Enigma Cryptography Competition
Enigma, a cryptography competition sponsored by TrendMicro was held with their collaboration for the students of final year at the CS&IT department.The students were challenged with creating and cracking various encryption schemes.
Capture the Flag Cryptography Competition
Capture the Flag (CTF), another cryptography competition sponsored by TrendMicro was held with their collaboration for the students of CS&IT department.The students were challenged with creating and cracking various encryption schemes.