Koderz Kombat Spring 2023 Winners

Rules and Guidelines
- The competition will be held in the Mid-Term Examination week in the computer labs of CSIT department.
- Participation is compulsory for every student.
- Students should participate in teams. A team can consist of 3 members. Individual participation is not allowed.
- The First Year students will participate in coding competition that will require their PF and OOP related programming knowledge.
- Contestants may choose to write their programs in C/C++/C#/Python.
- The Second Year students will participate in database design competition that will test their database skills.
- Contestants cannot bring any notes, textbooks, or any other form of reading material to the contest rooms.
- Cellphones are not allowed.
- Contestants in the same team can discuss the problems they are assigned. However, they should do so in a quiet way and without disturbing contestants.
- Each team will be allowed to use only a single computer and must write and test their programs on that machine.
- All teams from one batch will be given the same set of problems to solve.
- Each problem will have a specified point value. The more difficult the problem, the more points a correct solution will receive.
- Teams must submit the source code and their approach during the brainstorming sessions for each problem.
- The Contest Committee will tally the scores for each team and publish a complete list.
- The team with the highest scores will be crowned winners.
- The Contest Committee's decision in all matters is final.